
always and forever...
When you choose an independent wedding celebrant for your special day, you’re choosing the most flexible and personalised way of celebrating your lifelong commitment to each other. When you work with me, I’ll get to know you and your love story. I’ll understand what you like and dislike, what you do and don’t want to include, and what is going to make your ceremony truly memorable for you and your guests.
At the moment in England, independent celebrant-led wedding ceremonies are symbolic and are not legally binding. The legal part has to be done separately (usually a week or so before your big day) and this involves a very brief "statutory ceremony" conducted by a registrar at a council office with just the couple and two witnesses. It’s a bit like signing the legal paperwork for buying or renting a house on one day, and getting the keys and moving in later.
You could get legally married with a statutory ceremony and then have your big day personalised, 100%...

Short and Sweet Ceremonies
Not everyone wants the full-on 100% personalised approach and so I also offer a Short and Sweet Ceremony. It's 5 - 10 mins shorter than a 'standard' ceremony and it is more of an "off-the-shelf plus" option where most of the ceremony script is standardised, with a few personalised sections here and there. This can be the most cost effective option for some couples - you still know who the celebrant will be, you can still have a say in what does and doesn't happen in your ceremony, you still get to approve the words used, but the full details of your love story - how you met, the proposal, etc. - won't be included.